Warcraft 3 heros
Warcraft 3 heros

  1. Warcraft 3 heros skin#
  2. Warcraft 3 heros upgrade#
  3. Warcraft 3 heros plus#

Like defend it slows movement, but it changes the breakers armor type to fortified and projects an impassable wall of arcane shields in front of it.

Warcraft 3 heros upgrade#

I would give spell breakers a shield upgrade ability similar to defend, phalanx.

warcraft 3 heros

They turned it into a terran thor to get people to use it more. The only race to have a fortified armor unit, but blizz never went anywhere with it. The strength of the spiked armor would depend on barricade upgrades and whether a war kodo beast was in the group. The orc hero would use spiked barricade offensively by warcrying in a crowd giving those around it temporary spiked armor. I would give the Kodo beast an upgrade that lets their war drums also boost spiked barricades damage when they are near, war kodo beasts. Spiked barricades, an offensive defense that’s not worth it vs other choices. To promote the lesser used concepts for each race. San’layn can be upgraded to have Vampyr Bat form, a melee air unit. They can mark targets with Mark of Blood, which does a low DoT and has a secondary effect of Corpse Exploding if the unit dies, dealing a percentage of its health in AoE damage. Spectral Scythe, Cursed Strikes, something along those lines.īasically a San’layn in unit form. Ability-wise, probably something similar to Xul in Heroes. She is an Agi-based melee hero who wields a scythe. They can be upgraded to mark targets with Seal of Light, which heals ally units attacking the target.Ī Valkyr hero, but not the pleasant feathery-winged type from Wrath. Their attacks have a chance to stun, and their stats are similar to a grunt.

warcraft 3 heros

These guys wield giant 2H Maces into battle and use light-based attacks offensively. Hunters Mark allows units to Critical Strike the marked target and reveal invisible. They would be ideal trackers/hunters, and have some anti-caster type abilities to boot. The idea here is a Witch-Hunter who uses pistols/rifles as ranged Agility hero. Back in Alpha, there was a Ranger hero for Humans, but since we have a Dark Ranger in the game, we could use something more fresh. Their form roots them in place, boosts armor and has a long-ranged ground attack, similar to Siege Tanks.

Warcraft 3 heros skin#

Has bark skin buff ability and brambles, which works similar to Malf’s Entangling Roots in HOTS (roots AoE on ground rather than on target unit). I see this guy acting more snooty than the other druids, a literal ‘thorn in his side’. Also, Dragon form Ultimate!Ī Druid with a plant-based form. He/She has dragon and dream related powers, like Hibernate which puts a unit to sleep and heals them, and Gas Cloud, an AoE that dizzies and damages enemies walking through it. Wears armor similar to T3 Dreamwalker set in WoW. Could also be a Dragonsworn, a servant of the Green Dragonflight. These are are the creatures that inspired the Tauren to create their Totems.Ī Green Dragon hero in the guise of a Night Elf. Orcs were always missing a Magic-damage heavy air unit, this one is it. He’s a bare-fisted Monk-like fighter who uses Runic tattooes to channel elemental/spiritual power.Ī large aerial unit on par with Frost Wyrms. This would be a replacement for the Orc Spirit Walker hero. The Warcraft RPG books had a lot of unused concept art made by Samwise, and I’m basing some on these. In my image, I would remix more of these concepts, merging some ideas from outside of WC3. TFT remixed some of the Alpha concepts (Assassin -> Warden, Crypt Fiend -> Crypt Lord) and released them as 4th heroes. For those who didn’t know, WC3 was originally planned to have 6 heroes per race. They were really attached to that freaking squirrel so give them a break alright? Melee unit faster attack and move speed in combat. Saw a squirrel bite it and has been filled with vengeance! Really though give him a walking stick and moon flare abilities.Īnd a root because people are not complaining enough about roots… I just want to see some heads explode and a this might be the easiest way to do it short of asking for Mylune… Light armor and minimal damage to balance it out.

warcraft 3 heros warcraft 3 heros

Really though, they die they get back up again and again unless of course they don’t… The Scourge hero (?): How about a Val’kyr?!Īn entire faction made up of every kind of undead ever and no zombies?!

Warcraft 3 heros plus#

Plus let’s be real here nothing takes the morale out of ya like giant scorpions. The horde deploys animals all the time so let’s get creative dammit! Moderate damage, hard to kill but not exactly a priority target… Vicious brutal backhander that inspires fear in his enemies and allies alike. I have had it with how chummy everyone is so give me a Sure, Reconnaissance and stealth warfare are usually best reserved for flares and invisibility but those things don’t have knives… Why? Because the only rangers we bump into are either dark monsters or sylv…

Warcraft 3 heros